Did anyone ever wonder what happens to pills after you swallow them?
We all have taken tablets at some point in our life. Some are regular with having tablets while some least use them.
Anyways we could say there won’t be peoples who haven’t taken any tablets in their lifetime.
If we experience a fever or a headache we just take a tablet, And within few hours or a day we feel better.
For making us feel better what actually happens to pills after you swallow them?
They go down through your esophagus and into your stomach.
Depending on the outer surface of Pills they are either dissolved in the stomach or else are transported into the intestines.
All the components in the pills are absorbed in the intestines and transferred by the blood to the liver. The liver might get affected by pills components. It depends on the components contained in the tablets which determine its harmful effects.
They are then send up to your heart and out in your blood.
And then components in the pills is spread out to the whole body through blood.
Take a closer look at the chemical reactions happening to pills after you swallow them
Side effects of contraceptive pills on women
like all other medicines, the pill also causes side effects. In some cases, women do not experience any side effects on using contraceptive pills.
While It is always advised to use different contraceptive pills to find the one which works best for your body. Since every woman reacts differently to a certain pill. And different pills cause different side effects. It can take up to three months for your body to get used to the hormones.
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Few common side effects of pills
- One among most important health risk from having pills is cardiovascular diseases.
- It also leads to blood clots in veins, heart attacks, and strokes etc.
- Pills cause long-term hormone regulation problems.
- Pills increase significantly increases risks of having cancer.
- Causes weakening in the overall well-being.
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